AIMS Network

Postgraduate Research Program

Postgraduate Research Program

The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences – Research (AIMS Research) is pleased to invite prospective postdoctoral fellows who hold a PhD degree in any mathematical science discipline to apply for one of fifteen postdoctoral fellowships available through the AIMS Postdoctoral Research Fellows Program in climate change science.

AIMS Postdoctoral Research Fellows Program

This is in response to an urgent need to increase the number of high-end researchers who, with limited supervision, can conduct cutting-edge mathematical science research in Africa.

AIMS postdoctoral research fellows in climate change science will each benefit from financial support of up to CAD 32,000 per annum for a maximum duration of two years, extendable subject to approval. They will be based at one of the seven existing AIMS Research Centres, including Quantum Leap Africa. Beneficiaries may be affiliated to any recognized institution of higher learning located in the same country as the host AIMS Research Centre. Funding will be provided for fellows and their supervisors to attend one research school that will take place at AIMS Rwanda.

Download the complete call for applications. 


  • Applicants can be from any country.
  • Applicants must hold at least a PhD degree (or a recognized equivalent) in any field related to mathematical sciences before the start date of this position.
  • Applicants should be interested in undertaking research within the climate change sciences and its related areas.
  • Knowledge/interest in mathematical modelling would be an advantage.
  • Applicants must be open-minded, and must be willing to conduct their research at their preferred AIMS Research Centre, or a designated partner institution in the same host country. The designated partner institution could be an academic/research institution or a non-academic institution (e.g. industry).

Financial Information

This is a two year extendable research position with a maximum total cost to AIMS of CAD 32,000 per annum. The cost includes a return flight ticket from the candidate’s home/institution to the AIMS Research Centre, tuition (if applicable), visa application, accommodation, living support, and health insurance.

How to Apply

Applications should be submitted using the online application form, and should contain the following supporting documents:

Your supporting documents should be ready for submission before you complete the online application form. Supporting documents should be saved as pdfs in the format: “name of the researchprogram_type of_document_AIMSentity/centre_monthyear_applicant’s name-surname”. For instance, the personal details form should be saved as “AIMSPostdoc_personaldetails_AIMSRwanda_Dec2018_SarahJake”.

Two academic referees from tertiary institutions should email confidential letters of support on your behalf to  aimspostdoc using the subject line: AIMSPostdoc_supportletter_AIMSentity/centre_month/year_applicant’s name-surname’ e.g. ‘AIMSPostdoc _AIMSRwanda_Jun2018_JohnJake’. It is your responsibility to ensure that these letters of support are sent and received. Ensure to also download and send the ‘Instructions for Referee’ document and the above email address to your respective referees.


The call for applications will remain open until the required number of Fellows are recruited. Only complete applications with required documents will be considered.

Selection and Award

Applications shall be vetted by a committee consisting of expert researchers from AIMS, at least one external expert, and a representative from the AIMS Global Secretariat.  Successful candidates will be contacted and will be expected to commence their research at the AIMS Research Centre within three months of receiving an award letter.

Contact Information

For further information send an email to

AIMS Doctoral Training Program

The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences – Research (AIMS Research) is pleased to invite prospective postgraduate students who hold a Master’s degree in any mathematical science discipline to apply for one of eight PhD bursaries available through the AIMS Doctoral Training Program (ADTP).  This program seeks to address the shortage of qualified PhD holders in core Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics disciplines on the continent who would eventually contribute to teaching, research and innovation in Africa.

Successful candidates with an interest in climate change science will each benefit from financial support of up to CAD 16, 500 per annum for the three year duration of their PhD study. They will be based at one of the seven existing AIMS Research Centres, including Quantum Leap Africa. Beneficiaries may be registered in any recognized institution of higher learning located in the same country as the host AIMS Research Centre. Funding will be provided for students and their supervisors to attend one research school that will take place at AIMS Rwanda.

Download the complete call for applications.


  • Applicants can be from any country.
  • Applicants must hold a master’s degree (or a recognized equivalent) in any field related to mathematical sciences before the start date of this position.
  • Applicants should be interested in undertaking research within the climate change sciences and its related areas.
  • Knowledge in mathematical modelling would be an advantage.
  • Applicants must be open-minded, and must be willing to conduct their PhD research at their preferred AIMS Research Centre, or a designated partner institution in the same host country.

Financial Information

This is a three year research position with a maximum total cost to AIMS of CAD 49,500. The cost includes a return flight ticket from the candidate’s home/institution to the AIMS Research Centre, tuition (if applicable), visa application, accommodation, living support, and health insurance.

How to Apply

Applications should be submitted using the online application form, and should contain the following supporting documents:

Your supporting documents should be ready for submission before you complete the online application form. Supporting documents should be saved as pdfs in the format: “name of the researchprogram_type of_document_AIMSentity/centre_monthyear_applicant’s name-surname”. For instance, the personal details form should be saved as “adtp_personaldetails_AIMSRwanda_Dec2018_SarahJake”.

Two academic referees from tertiary institutions should email confidential letters of support on your behalf to using the subject line: adtp_supportletter_AIMSentity/centre_month/year_applicant’s name-surname’ e.g. ‘adtp_AIMSRwanda_Jun2018_JohnJake’. It is your responsibility to ensure that these letters of support are sent and received. Ensure to also download and send the ‘Instructions for Referee’ document and the above email address to your respective referees.


The call for applications will remain open until the required number of doctoral fellows are recruited. Only complete applications with required documents will be considered.

Selection and Award

Applications shall be vetted by a committee consisting of expert researchers from AIMS, at least one external expert, and a representative from the AIMS Global Secretariat.  Successful candidates will be contacted and will be expected to commence their research at the AIMS Research Centre within three months of receiving an award letter.

Contact Information

For further information send an email to

AIMS Masters by Research Program

The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences – Research (AIMS Research) is pleased to invite prospective postgraduate students who hold at least a Bachelor degree in any mathematical science discipline to apply for one of sixteen MSc bursaries available through the AIMS Masters by Research Program (ARMSc).  Candidates can undertake a one year or a two year MSc by research which should culminate in a full Master’s degree.  This program builds on efforts that seek to support the development of a critical mass of researchers on the continent who will have the added knowledge to conduct advanced research at the PhD level, or who will support industry and governments in addressing core development issues.

Successful candidates who are interested in the climate change sciences and related disciplines will each benefit from financial support of up to CAD 10,500 per annum for a maximum duration of two years. They will be based at one of the seven existing AIMS Research Centres, including Quantum Leap Africa. Beneficiaries may be registered in any recognized institution of higher learning located in the same country as the host AIMS Research Centre. Funding will be provided for students and their supervisors to attend one research school that will take place at AIMS Rwanda.

Download the complete call for applications


  • Applicants can be from any country.
  • Applicants must hold at least a Bachelor degree (or a recognized equivalent) in any field related to mathematical sciences before the start date of this position.
  • Applicants should be interested in undertaking research within the climate change sciences and its related areas.
  • Knowledge/interest in mathematical modelling would be an advantage.
  • Applicants must be open-minded, and must be willing to conduct their MSc research at their preferred AIMS Research Centre, or a designated partner institution in the same host country.

Financial Information

The AIMS Masters by Research project can be supported financially for at most two years with a maximum total cost to AIMS of CAD 10,500 per annum. The cost includes a return flight ticket from the candidate’s home/institution to the AIMS Research Centre, tuition (if applicable), visa application, accommodation, living support, and health insurance.

How to Apply

Applications should be submitted using the online application form, and should contain the following supporting documents:

Your supporting documents should be ready for submission before you complete the online application form. Supporting documents should be saved as pdfs in the format: “name of the researchprogram_type of_document_AIMSentity/centre_monthyear_applicant’s name-surname”. For instance, the personal details form should be saved as “ARMSc_personaldetails_AIMSRwanda_Dec2018_SarahJake”.

Two academic referees from tertiary institutions should email confidential letters of support on your behalf to using the subject line: ARMSc_supportletter_AIMSentity/centre_month/year_applicant’s name-surname’ e.g. ‘ARMSc_AIMSRwanda_Jun2018_JohnJake’. It is your responsibility to ensure that these letters of support are sent and received. Ensure to also download and send the ‘Instructions for Referee’ document and the above email address to your respective referees.


The call for applications will remain open until the required number of research MSc students are recruited. Only complete applications with required documents will be considered.

Selection and Award

Applications shall be vetted by a committee consisting of expert researchers from AIMS, at least one external expert, and a representative from the AIMS Global Secretariat.  Successful candidates will be contacted and will be expected to commence their research at the AIMS Research Centre within three months of receiving an award letter.

Contact Information

For further information send an email to

Information for Awardees
  • Successful candidates (awardees) will be expected to sign an agreement with AIMS upon acceptance of the award.
  • The final cash amount or stipend will be defined in the award and agreement letter. This amount will be contingent to tuition, health insurance and other financial requirements.
  • At least three of the following outputs and outcomes are expected from you:
  • a dissertation/thesis (mandatory for Masters by Research and PhD candidates);
  • a research manuscript published or publishable in a high-quality, refereed international journal;
  • a report about the work and activities undertaken;
  • participation/oral presentation in a scientific event either at the Centre or in one of the partner institutions; and
  • Contribution to a non-technical report which will be developed by AIMS.
  • You will be expected to submit progress reports per a schedule which will be outlined in the agreement letter. Your reports should be developed using this reporting template. The submission of timely reports will trigger the release of funds.
  • All books and journal articles resulting from your research, or work carried out during your program must be made freely available to AIMS and to the public immediately after the initial publication date.
  • AIMS, donors, and other collaborating institutions must be duly acknowledged in all communications (publications, presentations, thesis, etc.) concerning your work. Publications should carry the following statement: “This work was carried out with support from AIMS {insert name of the Centre} thanks to funds received in {insert year of receipt of funds} from {insert name of donor/s} within the framework of the {insert name of the research program/group}.
  • You are expected to also mention AIMS as an institutional affiliation in your thesis (Masters by Research and PhD candidates) and in all resultant publications irrespective of your duty station or your degree-conferring institution.
  • You must respect existing ethical research guidelines and intellectual property rights. In addition, you shall immediately report to AIMS any patentable output resulting or anticipated from your work. You shall not license, or otherwise assign the rights to such outputs without the written permission of AIMS. If you are not sure about which information could be patentable, we encourage you to speak to your supervisor/s and the AIMS Research Department.
  • Projects involving human and/or animal subjects must adhere to the highest applicable ethical standards. You must request and receive permission from AIMS before embarking on such projects. Approvals may be subject to additional conditions which will be communicated to you.
  • As the main researcher, you are to take complete ownership and responsibility for your research project to ensure the work is completed within the defined timeframe.
  • In exceptional cases such as prolonged illness, you can submit a request for an extension with the consent of your supervisor. The ‘extension form’ should be used for this purpose. An extension should preferably be requested within the last 6 – 12 months of your program. This request will be subject to approval by the Centre President/Director or the AIMS-NEI Director, Research.
  • If you are unable to start your program before the agreed start date, you must notify the Research Centre Administrator in writing at least one month before the expected start date.
  • Your agreement letter will contain additional terms.

Useful forms for Awardees

Reporting form

Extension form

Banking details form

Open Calls for Application

Call for application: Knowledge and Technology Transfer (KTT) Officer

Deadline: January 01 1970


Call for Applications: Senior Scientist – The Knowledge and Technology Transfer Project

Deadline: January 01 1970


Call for Application: Research Assistant – UK-ONS/AIMS Project

Deadline: January 01 1970


PhD Fellowship in Partial differential equations and Stochasticanalysis

Deadline: January 01 1970

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