Roland Christel Sonounameto
Area of Research:Infectious Disease Modelling; Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning based-problem solving in Public Health; Linear and generalized linear and non-linear mixed models; Forest Dynamics Modelling
No of Students:
- PhD Student
Mr. Roland Christel Sonounameto is a Ph.D. Student in Malaria Modelling at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences-Research and Innovation Centre (AIMS-RIC) and registered at the Biometrics Doctoral Programme of the University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC) in Benin Republic. He holds a Master’s Degree (Biostatistics) in 2022 under the supervision of Prof. Romain GLELE KAKAÏ. His thesis work, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, used statistical models to assess the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions against COVID-19 in Africa. As a data enthusiast, he has 3+ experience in assisting national data-driven organisations from different fields in maximising the use of their data. From 2020 to 2021, he worked as a data manager and data analyst for ACED-Bénin on the EU-funded Greppao Project, improving the fish value chain in Benin. In 2021 and upon his excellent academic achievements, he was awarded a mobility grant from the World-Bank at the Biometrics Unit of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. Under the supervision of Dr. Ibnou Dieng, he was equipped with strategic skills in extracting insight from data and telling a meaningful story. He is also a research assistant at The Laboratoire de Biomathématiques et d’Estimations Forestières (LABEF) of the University of Abomey-Calavi. During his four-year experience as a research assistant at the LABEF he has successfully applied mathematical and statistical concepts to real-world problems. He also co-authored two scientific papers and has one under review. Currently pursuing Ph.D. studies, his work is focusing on the use of mathematical models to understand the impact of various malaria interventions in Benin to maximise future strategies in the country. His supervision team is made of renowned experts in the field such as : Prof. Luc Salako Djogbénou, Dr. Emilie Pothin and Dr. Georgia B. Damien.