AKINBAMI Catherine Abiola Oluwatoyin
Area of Research:Building climatepreneurship capacity as adaptive and mitigation strategy for rural women in different vegetation zones and socio-cultural practices in Southeast and Southwest, Nigeria
No of Students:
- the International Women’s Day Award
- The Association of Commonwealth Universities
Enter full researchAKINBAMI Catherine Abiola Oluwatoyin is one of the awardees of the AIMS NEI Women in Climate Change Science (WiCCS) Fellowship (2022-2023). Her AIMS research is focused on “Building climatepreneurship capacity as adaptive and mitigation strategy for rural women in different vegetation zones and socio-cultural practices in Southeast and Southwest, Nigeria”. She holds a PhD in Sociology and Anthropology, specializing in Industrial Sociology and majoring in rural and women entrepreneurship development, from Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria. She is a Senior Lecturer/Researcher at the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Development Studies (IFEDS) of the University. Her research interests include rural and women entrepreneurship development, climatepreneurship, climate change, entrepreneurship and sustainable development, and entrepreneurship education. She has quality publications and has attended conferences, seminars and workshops. Dr Akinbami has received some research grants and the International Women’s Day Award, The Association of Commonwealth Universities https://www.acu.ac.uk/news/view?id=205&x%5b0%5d=news/list